Stewardship at First Presbyterian

Committing Anew to Serving as Christ in the Heart of Knoxville

Fellow Members of First Presbyterian Church:

 Since our founding in 1792, First Presbyterian Church has served for Christ in the Heart of Knoxville. Through trials and triumphs, the Lord has been faithful. Our history is filled with amazing stories of God’s provision and His people being led by the power of the Holy Spirit to build His Kingdom with the gracious gifts the Lord has provided. From breaking ground in James White’s turnip patch to build the first church in Knoxville, to breaking ground in Congo to build a hospital, through the interruption of pandemic and the constant flow of new members and leaders, our story is serving as a channel through which God’s blessings flow. As our story continues, we mix the Lord’s steadfast support with our ever-reforming understanding of his plan for us and our resources.

 During this year’s stewardship campaign, we are recognizing the stories of the past as we prepare to write new stories of the Lord’s grace for tomorrow. Through the renewal of our talented staff over the past year, the stage has been set for the continued care and support of our congregation. Through our search for a new path of continued family faith formation, we proclaim Christ’s message and build a foundation for continued growth and understanding in the future. Our local and global mission projects continue to share the Gospel and meet the needs of our neighbors in Knoxville and around the world. All of this is made possible by God’s provision, your diligent prayers, and the generosity of this congregation. May all praise, glory, and honor be to God.

Please prayerfully reflect on how you are blessed and the ways you are led by the Holy Spirit to continue our story. When we give of ourselves, whether it be our skills, time, or finances, we are transformed into a channel through which God’s blessings freely flow. Thank you for your continued support of the ministry at First Presbyterian Church. 2023 pledges can be submitted electronically via the church’s website (, by mailing the enclosed pledge card to the church office, dropping your pledge card in the collection plate, or by calling First Presbyterian Church at (865)546-2531.

Grace and Peace,
Rob Jones
Stewardship Chair

Please click 
HERE to fill out and schedule your pledge for the upcoming year.

Please click HERE to go directly to our safe, secure, online giving service.