Welcome to First Presbyterian Church!

I wasn’t looking for a church 20 years ago and was looking for reasons not to go to church. I was frustrated by organized religion and I allowed that frustration to paint an unfair portrait of what I thought First Presbyterian would be. There was no great “ah ha” moment that kept bringing me back, but there were so many small moments that keep reminding me that I am where I belong. If you are struggling with religion or your own faith, secure in your beliefs, or just want to serve your community, you will never be alone at First Presbyterian Church.
-Travis Maryanski
A Welcome from Associate Pastor Meredith Loftis
I want to take a moment to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who's visiting or checking out our church for the first time. Whether you're just having a look, or are searching out for a place to worship, we're delighted to have you here.
To give you some idea of what we're all about, I'll quickly sketch some of our foundational beliefs. Our vision says this: Getting and growing people in relationship with Jesus.
So firstly, we're all about Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was who he said he was, the Son of God who came and died for our sins. So if this is your first time in church, we hope that get to know Him as we do, because He's truly what life is all about for us!
Secondly we're all about people. Every person who walks through our doors is important to us, so if you ever feel like just another number, we're doing something wrong and I give you permission to tell me about it. As a group of God's people we care about you and your family and we're here not only to feed you spiritually, but to help in any way we can. We love doing it and it's why we exist!
Thirdly, we're all about relationships. We hope to cultivate and grow meaningful and positive relationships between another, but also go further by getting and growing in relationship with God. Christianity is all about a Person, and less about a set of rules. That means that we exist to be in a relationship with Someone, that's Jesus, and merely not to obey a religion.
That's us in a nutshell! So glad you’re here!
Love, Pastor Meredith

Learn about Our Senior Pastor, Mark Curtis
We are excited to welcome new Senior Pastor, Mark Curtis, who joined our congregation on November 1st, 2021, along with his wife Diana and sons Daniel and Asher. You can reach Mark Curtis by calling the church office at (865) 546-2531, or by emailing him directly at mcurtis@fpcknox.org.
Dear First Presbyterian Church Family,
With such a long and faithful history, First Presbyterian Church has touched the lives of countless saints who have passed through its doors. It was not until I began meeting with the PNC months ago that I realized the many providential connections that I have had with First Presbyterian Church since I moved to East Tennessee in 2006. God has used the people and ministries of FPC as touchpoints in my own journey of faith and ministry – conversing over coffee with your pas- tors, serving on Presbytery committees with your members, and walking alongside Keli (Shipley) Cooper during her time ministering to your youth. I learned great things about the congregation through these relationships, and I have continued learning about your community of faith through the many meaningful conversations I have shared with the dedicated members of the PNC. I am thrilled that our God who provides – Jehovah-jireh! – has led me to connect in a new way with First Presbyterian. I am eager to meet each family, learn each name, and hear each story as we journey together in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

Stay in Touch with FPC!
There are many ways to plug in at First Presbyterian! Check out the following links and information to stay in touch and get connected.
Sign up for our weekly newsletter that comes out on Thursdays with news, photos, and important information. During the school year, you will also get our weekly update on the events of Worshipful Wednesday.
Join our Prayer Chain Email List to be included on needs and concerns of the church body
Keep in touch with us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram
Check our website calendar for news and updates
Watch worship services online with our live-streaming video and subscribe to our sermon podcasts directly from your phone or mobile device
Make sure you attend our worship services on Sundays and Wednesdays (during the school year) and get important information on service times, worship bulletins, Sunday school, children’s ministry and nursery information and more.
Stay in touch with Fellowship activities, ways to volunteer, Presbyterian Women opportunities, and more
Check out our local missions opportunities, Global Missions, and the Mission Market!
Learn more about the history and legacy of First Presbyterian Church

Parking Info and Building Guide
Our Church is located at 620 State Street in the heart of downtown Knoxville. Our offices are open Monday through Friday, and you can call us at (865) 546-2531 or email us at church@fpcknox.org.
Parking - There is public parking available in the State Street garage and the lot at the corner of Church & State Streets. Both of these lots are available at no cost on Sunday's and evenings. We also have a parking garage on site accessible from Clinch Ave, Central Ave and Church Street. There are three levels of parking at the church, each with an elevator to reach your destination easily. Please ask another member, and we’d be glad to help you get to where you need to be.
Church Offices - 1st floor with visitor parking accessible from Clinch Ave.
Fellowship Hall/ Kitchen /Turnip Patch Deck - 2nd floor
Children's Area and Nursery - 2nd floor
Mission Market - 2nd Floor
James Park Classroom / Meeting and Media Room - 2nd Floor
Sanctuary and Chapel - 3rd floor
Library - 3rd floor
Music Suite - 4th floor
Youth Area - 4th floor

How can I express my love for FPC? It’s the feelings I get when I walk through the doors. I am a third generation member. I “see” my mom in the Jesus friends class. I “hear” my Dad playing piano in the James Park class. I “greet” my grandmother in our pew every Sunday. I “hear” my grandfather telling jokes in the old Fellowship Hall. I remember all the classes and all of my teachers and youth leaders, some still around today! They are why I led youth, volunteer, became an elder and teach Sunday School. I can’t imagine being anywhere else! I am at home!
-Rachel Trentham