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Please join us for a special Intergenerational Worship Service on April 7th at 11 am

On April 7th, we are excited to showcase the faith of our children and the dedication of our teachers during an intergenerational worship service. This special day will bring together children and adults to lead our congregation in a worship service, celebrating the vital role of faith formation in our children's lives and lifting up those who help to facilitate it.

This inclusive service offers numerous ways for participants of all ages to be involved, from carrying the worship elements to collecting offerings, greeting guests and members, and even taking on speaking roles. The music selection will be accessible to our younger worshipers, and the liturgy will echo the familiarity of our Children’s Church (most of which was actually written by children). Instead of a traditional sermon, Sherry Corden will lead an interactive Bible story session, reflecting the Montessori-inspired Bible storytelling our children have come to know and appreciate in Children's Church. Designed to be shorter than our usual services, it aims to engage our church family across all age groups, though nursery care remains available for those who need it.

April 6

Save the Date - Great Day of Service on Saturday, April 6th

April 10

Matthew 25 Study: Seeking Racial Justice starts April 10